On Nov 4, the Troop hit the Trail (litterally!) at Attleboro Springs Wildlife Refugee. We had 10 Trailmen and 8 leaders/parents hike the approximately 3 miles of trail. In addition to earning their Outdoor Skills Hit the Trail, Trailmen also earned their Know Your Environment step for Science & Technology branch. Mountain Lions also were able to earn their Woodsman Cards.
We could not have asked for better weather to hike in! It was beautiful and not too cold.
We first met Ryan, our guide from Mass Audubon, who taught us about how plants and animals both help and hurt us—sometimes, it’s hard to tell the difference. We then headed down a longer trail as a Troop and learned a bit about how to hike, what to do if a Trailmen were to get lost, and a bit about how all of creation points to our wonderful Creator.
After a brief lunch, Trail Guides Andrew and Nick instructed Mountain Lions in the safe handling and use of knives. In earning their Woodsman Card, Mountain Lions are now officially allowed to carry and safely use knives at all Trail Life functions. Congratulations Mountain Lions!

Attleboro Springs Wildlife Sanctuary is located at Attleboro Springs Road in Attleboro, MA just behind La Salette Shrine. Take Rt I-95 to exit 7 (Rt 152). Turn left off the exit ramp and take a right onto Rt 152 south. After 1.5 miles at the center of town, turn left onto Park Street. Follow Park Street for 1.5 miles; road will curve right. Pass the La Salette Shrine and take your next right at the stone gatehouse onto Attleboro Springs Road. The sanctuary is located at the end of the road, you may follow the Mass Audubon signs.

Final Thoughts
All-in-all, I think everyone would have rather gone camping. However, given the circumstances, this made for a really great day. It was great to connect with Trailmen and dads, and to spend time in the beautiful outdoors.