Reflection on our first year as a Troop

As we complete year 1, I want to take a moment to reflect on all we’ve been through so far as a Troop. It’s been an amazing year and I’m so thankful to God for blessing our Troop so much. In August 2023, we started with 16 boys. The Troop grew to 21 boys by December, and now is down to 15. But even though we gained some and lost something, we’ve lost other things that are unlosable—the relationships and friendship that we have started to build with each other. When a Trailman joins the Troop, his entire family joins as well. I’ve absolutely loved getting to know each and every one of our boy’s families

Although there were many things this year that didn’t go so well, that’s okay! Life is full of turns that divert away from our plans. It’s a great skill to learn how to deal with changes and to see the unknown as an adventure.

To our leaders, thank you for stepping forward and serving in such a unique way. It means so much when a boy can come to our events and look up to Godly men and women who selflessly give their time and energy in seeing them succeed. I especially thank our leaders who do not have boys in the Troop—you have given so much love to care for these boys and have demonstrated that this Troop truly is a ministry of the church.

To our parents, thank you for supporting your boy. You have put a foot down in the face of this culture and said “no more!”. You have chosen to stand on the principles of the Bible instead of being swept away by the currents of the culture of death and confusion. Thank you for coming alongside your Trailman and showing him the way to Jesus.

I have three wishes for next year:

  1. Recruit more Trailmen from the east bay as well as northern Rhode Island. It will be good to send letter to churches, post advertisement, and setup booths at community fairs to show them the value of Trail Life.
  2. Open a navigators and adventurers units. This is where the heart of Trail Life really lies. To do this, we’ll need leaders and we’ll need boys.
  3. Participate in more area/regional events. There are three troops in Rhode Island and 322 Troops in the Northeast region. It will be great to go camping and do other activities with them to foster new relationships and walk alongside Trailmen together.

See you again in the fall! Walk Worthy!

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