Our Troop held its Open House kickoff event on August 24, 2023. It was a smashing success with 16 families visiting and interested in joining the Troop. Of the 14 boys who visited for the evening, ALL of them have since joined.

The Troop Meeting kicked off with a flag ceremony, prayer, and the Trailman Oath. After that, our TML introduced the leaders of the Troop and we had a Chaplain Mentoring Moment.
Patrols (Fox and Hawk/Mountain Lion) broke out for learning a little something of the uses and types of rope, and then learned how to tie a few knots. It was great to see dads getting involved in helping their sons learn the knots. After a while, some Trailmen were helping other Trailmen with their knot tying. We wrapped up the activity with a challenging game where patrols had to tie a knot to a log and carry it to the other side of the room.

After closing the meeting with prayer and retiring of the colors, an informational session was held for parents interested in joining.
Our Troop now faces a year filled with adventure and skill learning with 8 Trailmen in the Fox patrol and 6 Trailmen in the Hawk/Mountain Lion patrol.