Our Troop is holding its annual Pinewood Grand Prix during February and March! Woodlands Trailmen work with their dad in building their car and then racing them for a prize. Note that cars must meet specifications as detailed below— cars that do not will be disqualified.
Race Day: April 3, 2025
Date | Description |
Feb 6 | Announcement of the Pinewood Grand Prix |
Feb 6–27 | Trailmen should obtain a derby kit Trailmen and dads should start planning and deciding the shape, design, and color of the car they want |
Feb 20–Mar 13 | Trailmen to build, paint, polish, and test their cars |
Mar 8 | Car-building workshop – Getting started (please RSVP) |
Mar 20–Apr 3 | Register for the race and receive your car number |
Mar 20 | Test your car on the track (after the Troop meeting) |
Mar 27 | Car-building workshop – Testing and refining (please RSVP) |
Apr 3 | Race day! |
Getting your car kit
Trailmen can use the official kit provided by the Troop or by any official “Pinewood Derby” available at other retailers. You can also purchase additional accessories to make your car look great.

Building the Car
Parents should work with their Trailman to create the car of their choice. There are plenty to choose from. For help, please refer to the Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Guidebook. You also do not have to start with the standard block—pre-shaped blocks can be purchased. However, according to rule 1e (see below), it must be part of an official kit. You cannot go to The Home Depot and purchase a block of wood and some nails. You must use the official wood block, wheels, and axle and are not permitted to add washers, ball bearings, etc.
Power tools are not necessary to build this car. The only tools needed are a coping saw, a wood rasp, and some sanding paper. Other tools are permitted to be used; however, according to the rules, the width of the car cannot exceed 2¾ inches and the length cannot exceed 7 inches. Check out this inexpensive kit here.
Weights can be applied as long as they are firmly attached to the car. Typical weights include snap-off, flexible composite, and incremental weights. However, others may be applied to the top or sides as long as the weight does not exceed 5 ounces, and that the addition of any weights does not cause the car to exceed size requirements. You do not have to use any “official” weights—you can weigh down the car any way you want so as long as it complies with the official rules.
You are allowed to paint and apply decals to your car. You can even attach other items; however, according to the rules, they must be firmly attached. No dangling items are permitted.
Official Grand Prix Rules (download)
In order for a Trailman to race, his car must comply with the following.
- All cars must pass inspection to qualify for the race. The inspection points are as follows:
- The car must have been made during the current year (the year in which the Grand Prix is held).
- The width of the car shall not exceed 2¾ inches.
- The length of the car shall not exceed 7 inches.
- The weight of the car shall not exceed 5 ounces.
- Axles, wheels, and body wood shall be as provided in the kit. Only provided wheels are acceptable.
- Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.
- The car shall not ride on any kind or type of springs.
- Any details added must be within length, width, and weight limits.
- The car must be freewheeling, with no starting devices.
- No loose materials of any kind (such as lead shot) are allowed in the car.
- The official number must be clearly marked or visible on both sides of the car.
- Each heat will be announced. Drivers will report to the starting line and place their cars on the track. All other people must remain behind the barrier.
- The starter will make sure the cars are on the track properly and then will start the race.
- The starter and drivers will then report to the finish line to record the results.
- The car whose nose is over the finish line first is the winner. Place spotters will select the first-, second-, and third-place winners.
- If a car leaves the track, runs out of its lane, interferes with another car, loses an axle, etc., the heat will be rerun. If the same car gets into trouble on the second run, the contestant is disqualified and automatically loses that race. If, on the second run, another car is interfered with, the heat will be run a third time but without the disqualified car.
- When the results of each heat are recorded, the drivers will take their cars and return to their seats.
- Awards will be announced shortly after the heat for which the awards are to be given. The drivers and their partners will report to the stage for the awards as their names are called.
- Race winners will be determined using a schedule-free system. Each Trailman will be given five tokens to enter his car into the race of his choosing. The car with the most wins will be determined the winner. There will be two prizes for each patrol.
May the best car win!
Can I use a car I’ve used in other organizations? You may use a car that you’ve used from other organizations; however, the rules specifically say that you may not use cars you’ve built in previous years. Therefore, you are permitted to use a car from other race so as long as you built it this year.
Can siblings participate in the Grand Prix? The official Grand Prix race is available for Trailmen only. However, we will open the track to siblings at the end (and possibly even other types of cars) for others who may wish to participate.
How about dads? Yes… there will be a dads race after the official Grand Prix is over!
Why do we have a Pinewood Grand Prix? This race does more than just allow Trailmen to compete in a healthy environment. It gives parents and sons an opportunity to work on a project together that helps boys develop healthy habits, limitations, budgeting, how to use hand tools, complying with rules, and so many other valuable skills needed in our world today.
More Help
How to Get Started Designing Your Pinewood Derby Car – BSA
How to Build the Fastest Pinewood Derby Car – Family Handyman
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