Troop Leadership

Our Troop consists of shared leadership and is volunteer driven. Our leaders are members in good standing of their local church and devote their time to the care and success of each Trailman in the Troop.

Andrew M. Troopmaster (TM)

Jonathan C. Navigators Trailmaster (TRL)

Brett K. Trail Guide (TG) — Hawk / Mountain Lion Patrol

Troop Committee

Nick Y. Committee Chair (CC)
Jonathan T. Chaplain (CHAP)
Joan K. Treasurer (TREAS), Membership Chair (CM-MEMB)
Lathom T. Troop Ministry Liaison (TML)

Want to help?

We need help at almost all levels of the Troop. Please see a Troop leader if you are interested in volunteering. All leadership positions are (18+).

We need:

  • Trail Guides (Woodlands Trail, Navigators [Male]) (TG)
  • Webmaster
  • Troop Health and Safety Chair (CM-HS)
  • Troop Outdoors/Activities Chair (CM-OUT)