Our Troop’s first-ever Court of Honor took place on Thursday, December 14. We were graced with approximately 45 Trailmen, parents, family, and guests. Together, we enjoyed a delicious pizza dinner, received some much-anticipated branch pins, played a few games, and even won raffle prizes.
What is a Court of Honor?
A court of honor is where we pause our normal program for an evening and honor the accomplishments that the Trailmen have made over the past few months. “Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.” (Proverbs 21:21) During this winter Court of Honor, we recognized the participation of many of our Trailmen in earning their Woodlands Trail branch pins. We will also receive a couple of awards as a Troop.

Awards Report
We congratulated the following Trailmen for earning their Outdoor Skills, Sports & Fitness, and Science & Technology branch pins:
Fox Patrol
- Santi
- Giovanni
- Hans
- Wesley
- Elijah
- Travis
Hawk / Mountain Lion Patrol
- Marcus
- Josiah
- Jason
- Jack
- William
We also recognize the following Mountain Lion Trailmen for earning their Woodsman Cards:
- Jack
- Everett
- William
- Sam
- Shiloh

Additional Notes
Acting Troopmaster and Trail Guide Andrew opened with a brief history of the Troop’s creation and some of the interesting activities done this fall. He closed with where the Troop is headed in the spring.
- Spring branches include: Christian Values, Hobbies, Heritage, and Life Skills
- Our next Court of Honor will be in June and will include a crossover ceremony. Several Mountain Lions will “cross over” into Navigators. We are searching for dads who would like to step up to help lead the Navigators next year.
- Christ Reformed Presbyterian Church is interested in seeing the whole family served and would like to start an American Heritage Girls Troop. Interested families should reach out to the Troop committee.
The ceremony was closed with an exhortation for Trailmen to walk worthy every day, even when not in uniform or at a Troop meeting.