From January 31 to February 1, Troop RI-1798 held its Trail Skills overnighter. During the weekend, Trailmen learned all sorts of valuable outdoor skills in preparation for the upcoming Kodiak Derby.
After arriving on Friday evening, Trailmen set up their tents in the basement multi-purpose room. We started with a flag ceremony, then got started with learning lashings.
After that, Navigators and Mountain Lions learned how to use teamwork in using a saw to cut a log in half. Meanwhile, Foxes played games that involved teamwork.

After that, Trailmen had a friendly archery competition learning how to properly load a bow and arrow. After that, the Troop had an indoor campfire sitting around a fake flame (but it was real in our hearts). Before bed, Trailmen had a night ops nerf war treasure hunt and then finished off with some s’more making.

After a delicious breakfast in the morning, Trailmen got right to work with ice rescue where a rope was thrown and the trapped Trailmen had to tie a bowline around his waste to get rescued.
Next, Trailmen learned how to tie some basic splints in administering first aid to each other.
After a brief patrol time for creating patrol flags, Trailmen got right to work lashing together our sled for the Kodiak Derby. All-in-all, the weekend was a great success, with lots of skills learned, fun games played, and fond memories made.
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